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del papa damore di relazioni Martina Bruno 1 1

About the pope, love, relationships – by Martina Bruno

The other day, scrolling through the reels on my social media, I dwelt on a very short one which nevertheless caught my attention both because of its content and for…

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mostruosa maternità

When the loneliness of mothers breeds monsters

Romana Petri, Mostruosa maternità (Perrone editore, 2022): una recensione di Claudia Mazzilli
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Chea 1

IHAVENOCHILDREN. CHEA by Serena Castro Stera

La storia di Chea chiude il racconto NONHOFIGLI di Serena Castro Stera
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IHAVENOCHILDREN. ROSA by Serena Castro Stera

Rosa, il secondo racconto tratto da NONHOFIGLI di Serena Castro Stera. Una storia di non maternità, tra i vicoli di Napoli.
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Non ho figli Giulia 1

IHAVENOCHILDREN. Giulia – by Serena Castro Stera

Serena Castro, donna, scrittrice e madre, scrive NONHOFIGLI, tre folgoranti racconti, tre diverse storie di donne e non maternità. La prima è "Giulia".
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Tra etimologia e antropologia la parola a lunàdigas di Claudia Mazzilli

Between etymology and anthropology: the word (for the) lunàdigas

In English it's either childless or childfree (but is there always a clear-cut separation between not wanting and not having children?) In Italian women without children: three words sewn together which say nothing about women's choice. A far too long, impersonal expression as the sentence closing a bureaucratic procedure. A vague, homologating, aseptic definition, as cold as a family status certificate. In Sardinian instead lunàdigas.
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bell hooks Insegnare a trasgredire

bell hooks, teaching to transgress. Education as the Practice of Freedom – a review by Claudia Mazzilli

bell hooks, Insegnare a trasgredire. L’educazione come pratica della libertà (Meltemi 2020) - Una recensione di Claudia Mazzilli
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La non mamma Susanna Tartaro

La non mamma (Einaudi 2021), Susanna Tartaro – A review by Claudia Mazzilli

They are a projection of me, they are my exit poll. How is it possible that the years go by so quickly, how can it be that the one who…

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NL 9 del 2022 16 settembre

News of September

Nasce la nuova galleria virtuale di Lunàdigas!
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Non è un paese per madri Alessandra Minello

Italy, in order to become a country for mothers, must kill the myth of motherhood

La recensione di Claudia Mazzilli di "Non è un paese per madri" di Alessandra Minello
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bell hooks. Il femminismo è per tutti

For abortion and beyond abortion: for a liberated sexuality and society

Claudia Mazzilli. Rereading bell hooks, Feminism is for Everybody.
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Paola Valenzano 2

Paola Valenzano

We had the opportunity to meet the artist Paola Valenzano during the screening of the filmLunàdigas, or women without children in her studio L'arte perfetta in Rome, and from this meeting the new virtual exhibition space of Lunàdigas Prendo pArte took life.
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