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Le cattive Camila Sosa Villada

Bad girls by Camila Sosa Villada. A review by Claudia Mazzilli

Argentine writer Camila Sosa Villada take us on a travestis journey through heaven and hell in Bad Girls.
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Copia di Omaggio a Lidia Curti 1

“Make kin, not babies”: make relationships, not children. A Lunàdigas tribute to Lidia Curti by Claudia Mazzilli

About a year after her death (21 April 2021), Lunàdigas also pays tribute to Lidia Curti, a feminist critic, a scholar of cultural and post-colonial studies and an honorary professor of English literature at the University of Naples "L 'Orientale".
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30 years and no children. Claudia Camerlingo

The editor of Lunàdigas Claudia Camerlingo tells of her experience as a thirty-year-old career, with the dream of motherhood, struggling with social expectations and prejudices.
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Linsostenibile leggerezza del non essere madre 1

The unbearable lightness of (not) being a mother. Giusy Salvio

Giusy Salvio tells of how her relationship with the idea of ​​motherhood has changed over the years, in a process of self-awareness in infinite evolution.
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Laborto ai tempi del covid 3

Abortion in times of Covid. Claudia Mazzilli

A reflection on abortion in a time of a pandemic
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