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News Of October

News of October

We dedicate the month of October to a giant of Italian History, partisan and politician Lidia Menapace, who passed away last year, whom we met at the women’s bookstore in Bolzano, on 28 October 2014.

The long testimony she gave to Lunàdigas, in which she tells part of her private story as a woman without children and as an activist always supporting women, is a manifesto of her thinking, which we are happy to preserve it and share in its full version.

Alongside that of Menapace, the Live Archive is also enriched by the testimonies of Afra – in her double role as a woman without children and as a doctor, who questions her maternal instinct – and of Momi, who tells us of her need to redefine herself, after a extra uterine pregnancy which prevented her from having children.

Among the voices of October we also find Michela, generation z, whom we met this summer: her testimony takes us into the world of very young girls with her views on motherhood, family and the future.

With each and every new testimony, the Live Archive becomes more and more an intergenerational, multicultural meeting point, enriched by a plurality of gazes, which every day pushes the boundaries of confrontation on motherhood and non-motherhood a little further. If you also want to share your experience or your story with our community, you can do it in the form you prefer: you can write to us at [email protected], you can send us a message on facebook or instagram, you can send us a voice note or a video shot with your mobile phone.
For Lunàdigas each voice is unique and deserves to be heard: looking forward to hearing yours!

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