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News Of May

News of May

Speaking freely of reproductive issues, of women’s choices, of… women, still needs safe spaces today.

We realize this every day thanks to the film “Lunàdigas, or concerning childfree women”, which continues to tour in Italy and around the world, always opening new spaces for debate and reflection, even self-organized.

This is what happened in Latina where, after the screening of the film in September 2022, the women gave life to a collective that started a simple but powerful initiative, inspired by a scene from the film.

This is the women’s dinner, once a month, to celebrate their existence in the world and continue to discuss topics dear and close to women from all walks of life, reviving the good old practice of the circle discussion, so dear to the first feminist waves and that Lunàdigas strongly wanted to bring to the attention of all.

There have already been two events organised by the collective, to which a third was added, on March 31 by the women in Florence, which we did not miss.

In the Live Archive this month you will find the integral testimony of the circle in Latina.

In addition, something new also to be found in the Stories section: When the loneliness of mothers breeds monsters, Claudia Mazzilli’s brand new review of the novel “Mostruosa maternità” (“Monstrous maternity” by Romana Petri).

Things are moving fast, Lunàdigas!

Let’s spread this good virus, as there is still so much need to make our voice heard!

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